Objectives of the EST Foundation


The Foundation's main goals are the following:

  1. Conduct scientific research and engineering, to facilitate the development and consolidation of the European Solar Telescope (EST), ensuring that the design of the EST meets scientific and technical requirements.
  2. Contribute to the EST project for the general benefit of society and improve industrial competitiveness by generating technological knowledge, carrying out R+D+i activities and developing their applications.
  3. Collaborate with public research organizations (including Founders) and exploit results of their activities in research, development, transfer and promotion of science, technology and education related to EST.
  4. Support the education and training of personnel in all fields of science and engineering linked to EST.
  5. Contribute to setting up the EST European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), or the most appropriate alternative organisation, as the legal entity that will be in charge of the construction and operation phases of EST.
  6. Foster relations with the national and international scientific and business communities.


In order to fulfil its goals, the Foundation may, among others, carry out the following actions:

  • Establish awards, scholarships or grants of any kind.
  • Fund studies, research, courses, conferences, seminars, congresses, exhibitions and monographic exhibitions.
  • Intensify scientific and technical communication through the media.
  • Finance, prepare and edit publications, projects and studies related to EST and, in particular, to its interim phase until the constitution of the EST ERIC or an alternative legal entity in charge of the construction and operation of EST.
  • Propose, lead, participate in and evaluate empirical experiments of a scientific and technological nature to improve the possibilities of establishing the EST ERIC or an alternative legal entity to implement the construction and operation phases of EST.
  • Participate in competitive and non-competitive calls of the European Union, the Kingdom of Spain or any other territorial area deemed appropriate for the fulfilment of its purposes and, in particular, related to EST and the constitution of the EST ERIC or an alternative legal entity responsible for the construction and operation phases of EST.


Other activities that the Board of Trustees may consider appropriate for the fulfilment of the EST Foundation's goals may be implemented as well.